Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We are not your typical brick and mortar school. We offer our educational programs wherever there is a demand. Whether we are in a conference room/center, at an industry event, at a private salon/med-spa/practice to educate your entire professional team, or online*.
We bring our SAFE Advanced Footcare Education to you!

What are the dates of the programs?

The dates are flexible based on demand and availability of our Instructors. However, we will try to coordinate programs in the more popular industry trade show/conference areas for the convenience of our students.

How Much Are The Programs?

There will be a wide range of Programs available from 1 hour online webinars to 5 day Advanced Professional Programs and the cost of the programs vary depending on the type and longevity of the program please see Programs + Pricing for complete details.

Do I need a Professional License to attend a program?

Simple answer is Yes and No. We offer Programs for both the professional and non professional however, any of the Advanced Certification Programs and Workshops require a Professional License to attend.

Do The certifications replace my licensing?

No. Our Certification Programs will not replace any type of state or province regulated License. The Certification Programs will offer a legal designation through SAFE that you will have forever once you have successfully completed the program requirements.

how do I pay for my Program?

Payment is due in full at time of registration for all Programs and Workshops Except the Professional Advanced Certification Programs which will require a 50% Non-Refundable deposit to secure your spot in the program with the balance due 2 weeks prior to the start of the program you have registered for. There are NO Refunds once payment has been received however If you are unable to attend a Program after payment has been made you will have a credit good for 6 months to utilize towards any program.