SAFE Onyfix Professional Virtual Workshop "NO Onyfix Kit" $179.00 (Onyfix kit purchase of $625.00 will be required for Certification)

SAFE Onyfix Professional Virtual Workshop "NO Onyfix Kit" $179.00 (Onyfix kit purchase of $625.00 will be required for Certification)


This Onyfix Professional Workshop - Will introduce new clinically proven technology of this multi-functional nail correction system that alleviates toe nail pain and pressure while utilizing the physiological growth returning the nail to a normal state. A combination of Academic and Virtual Demonstration of this easy to apply SAFE topical nail correction system that will provide instant relief for painful involuted or ingrown nails and a whole lot more .
No Glue No Braces No Waste
Increase your income with every application.

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This Virtual Hands on training is being presented by Debra Bourque and includes;

A virtual 2 hour Onyfix presentation, a digital workbook, virtual hands-on training, exam, Certificate, marketing materials, and a Free listing on the SAFE website Locate an Onyfix Professional page. *Please Note that the purchase of an Onyfix kit ($625.00) will be needed to complete the certification process*